Using The Systems Approach In The Job Market

The Advice Of A Headhunter seminar has been designed for anyone who is 16 years of age or older and wishes to enhance his or her job finding skills. This seminar will provide relevant information to those formally interviewing for the first time, as well as those already quite familiar with the job search process. As a career manual, this program has been developed to facilitate the participant’s understanding and retention of all relevant material.

The sum of Don Hite’s experiences has been compiled into a systems approach as the most proven method of furthering one’s career. This work provides a vocational roadmap with a beginning, middle, and an ending. It is designed to help job seekers reflect upon where they have been, determine where they are right now, ascertain where they would like to go, and then assist them on the journey to success in reaching their vocational goals.

All of the models used in this volume are laid out in great detail with complimentary presentations that are contextual, tabular, and graphic in form. This includes an overarching six-step Systems Approach Model that serves as the underlying blueprint for success in today’s competitive job market. This comprehensive model serves as the basis for virtually everything else that is described within this text.

Systems Approach – the global career strategy of using a logical, sequential process that utilizes quality assurance engineering principles as the most proven basis for finding new or better employment.

This Systems Approach Model also contains the individual programs and tools necessary for career success including a six-step Personal Quality Plan, a Personal Ledger, three Forms of Resumes, 12 Interview Rules, eight Key Emotional Attributes, eight Interview Dress Code Rules, a six-step Interview Strategy, 22 Effective Interview Tactics, 14 Salary Negotiation Rules, three Job Attributes, and a six-step Job Search Strategy.

The titles for the 20 modules in The Advice of a Headhunter seminar have been designed to be both methodical and elegantly simple. These descriptors are intended to serve as guideposts in the Table of Contents and as mile markers in the body of the presentation. Since the quest for a new or better position is a sequential process, it is important that the material in this text be presented in the same chronological format. For easy use of this seminar, it is also critical to be able to determine, at a glance, what is contained in each of the respective modules of this work.

Individual sections of this seminar have been designed to succinctly describe frequently occurring dilemmas and how to safely navigate past these issues in the job market. There are numerous Tables, Figures, and Checklists, as well as 20 Sample Resumes, 10 Sample Cover Letters, and five Sample Thank You Letters that visually provide useful information. In addition to the use of nearly 20 real-life Quality Examples in short story form, there is also a listing of 60 of the most common interview questions and corresponding answers.

Most paragraphs in the text of the manual are about five lines in length so that the reader can catch his or her breath between important concepts. Whenever possible, information has been presented in tabular or graphic form to aid in the ease of comprehension. There are many instances in this presentation in which a picture is worth a thousand words, if not more. Many of these tables, figures, and checklists in the manual are accompanied by detailed explanations of how to use these instruments.

This work also makes use of hundreds of small icons to visually offset the most important ideas and help these key statements stand out in the text. Nearly every page in the manuscript has at least one icon with an italicized text box for important concepts such as Key Definitions, Job Search Keys, Resume Keys, Cover Letter Keys, Interview Keys, Thank You Letter Keys, and Crystal Ball Keys. In addition, the extensive Glossary at the end of this book provides for easy access to the complete definitions of over 100 useful terms that are used in this text. Further, the comprehensive 38-page Index allows the serious reader to find answers to important questions more quickly and efficiently than any other book in the field.

Finally, there are five different themes stressed throughout the book to serve as mnemonic devices to aid in the retention of material. These different themes include: (1) the advice a Headhunter; (2) the quest for quality in one’s job search; (3) one’s key to a better job; (4) one’s career crystal ball; and, (5) reaching for the stars in one’s job search.

Those who are about to travel on a long and arduous journey to enchanting and faraway lands are best advised to carefully consider their options and judiciously map out the most advantageous route to ensure their sure and safe passage in the most expeditious fashion.

Copyright © Protected 1992 - Present by Don Hite Associates

Reach for the Stars in Your Job Search

Birds by Mel Howard