The Eight Key Concepts In This Seminar

In condensing this seminar into a one-page summary of the most significant points that it contains, there are really only a handful of key concepts that stand out, far above the rest, in terms of importance. In the simplest of terms, The Advice of a Headhunter will teach you:

How to serve as your own personal Headhunter by modeling your job-search efforts after the work that real-life Headhunters perform in marketing and placing top-quality candidates into Fortune 500 Companies.

How to successfully use the same kind of comprehensive systems approach utilized by engineers to solve your employment problems in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

How to develop and complete a Total Quality Job Search by setting an absolute performance standard that judges all of your job-search efforts based upon Single Elimination Criteria.

How to understand and effectively integrate the use of eight key personality attributes into a winning performance in your job search, both today and in the future.

How to use the concept of Empathy to virtually place yourself where the hiring authority sits in order to understand the needs and wants of this all-important company representative.

How to utilize an Ethical Code of Conduct to effectively maximize your job-search efforts while observing the Do No Harm Rule in relation to your competitors as well as your past and present employers.

How to maximize your career potential in today’s job market by serving as an effective team member in cooperatively solving the employment-related problems of the Human Resources Representative and Hiring Manager.

How to effectively negotiate an employment offer by maximizing your potential worth to a prospective employer while simultaneously minimizing all inherent risks in the hiring process.

Copyright © Protected 1992 - Present by Don Hite Associates

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