The Career Manual

The 594-page book entitled The Advice of a Headhunter (Durbin House Publishing Company, Inc., 2008) has been developed for use in several different fashions depending upon the needs, motivations, and resources of the reader. Although no book can be all things to all users, this material was composed in an attempt to be just that. This volume can be readily utilized by each individual in one or more of the following scenarios.

First, this text can be read in a narrative fashion from start-to-finish for the most effective gain from the knowledge it contains. As with many books, this text tells a story with a beginning, middle, and an ending. Although not everyone will read the book in this manner, this is the recommended method for perusing this information. The more one reads, the more one learns, and the more one is able to fully use this information to further one’s career.

Second, a well-informed candidate can choose to read the first four introductory chapters of the manuscript, and then selectively study only the remaining chapters that are of special interest. In this situation, it is possible for the reader to focus upon only those specific areas of need or required review. This particular course of study stresses the necessity of a systems approach, the importance of quality, and the specific issues contained in the later chapters of the book that are read.

Third, this book can be skim read by those who choose to focus only upon the Key Definitions, Job Keys, Crystal Ball Keys, and specific Strategies, Rules, and Tactics that are listed in each chapter. In this fashion, applicants can obtain the central ideas from each of the topic areas listed throughout the book with the least amount of time. This can be critical for those candidates who literally need to bone up on a lot of career advice overnight.

And fourth, as a final preparation before participating in a job search or embarking on an interview, applicants can review the Summary Section in each of the 20 chapters of this book as an effective means of reinforcing one’s previous efforts. Here, the key ideas in each of these chapters have been laid out in chronological order for easy recognition and retention.

In summary, whatever the needs of the reader may be, the design of this book will allow those needs to be met with the least amount of time and effort required to master the material in question. The same systems approach and appreciation for quality that is described in this work has been used to write this manual. This manuscript has been developed, from start-to-finish, to be both effective and efficient.

Despite what you may have been led to believe, learning does not occur in a classroom with a teacher or professor lecturing to a class of students. Learning occurs in the mind, where each of us serves as our own teacher and our own student. The choice for those actively in the job market is to either serve as his or her teacher and student, or not to learn at all.

Copyright © Protected 1992 - Present by Don Hite Associates

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